Thursday, February 26, 2009

Cardio: The best time of the day to do cardio for maximum fat loss.

Doing cardio first thing in the morning, on an empty stomach, before you eat anything, is by far, the most effective. Whether you run, jog, walk, swim, jump rope, take an aerobics class, ride a bike, etc., doing it first thing in the morning is the best time to do it for maximum fat loss. Why? Its simple. When you do your cardio workout, you are burning calories. Lets say you wake up, eat breakfast, eat lunch later in the day, and then a few hours after lunch, you do your cardio. All you will be doing during that cardio is burning the calories and carbs of the food you just ate. When you do cardio first thing in the morning, you haven't eaten anything for the last 8 or so hours because you were sleeping. So, when your body sees that there are no carbs to burn, it goes directly to stored bodyfat. And stored bodyfat is the fat that is on your body, which is the fat that you want to lose!

source :

so workout pagi ni (5 pagi) 40 minit
skipping 500 x
jumping jack 150 x
wall push-up 50 x
lunges 50 x
frog squat 10 x

yang lain buat petang

Monday, February 23, 2009

Update for weekend

sabtu 21/2/2009
7.45 am anlene
9.45 am nasi lemak daun pisang RM1, teh tarik, jacob hi-fiber 1 piece
2.30 pm nesvita 3 in 1, IKO morning cereal, 3 keping keropok ikan
6.30 pm nasi kerabu half, nesvita 3 in 1
7.30 pm roti putih+ telur separuh masak 1 biji
9.00 pm anlene

skipping 600 x
jumping jack 200 x
wall push-up 50 x
lunges 60 x
sit up 100 x
bridge 5 x 8 reps

ahad 22/2/2009
9.00 am air masak
10.00 am nasi lemak sambal ikan bilis petai 3/4, anlene
11.30 am IKO morning cereal
1.30 pm spaghetti with tomato sos
4.00 pm mihun goreng half
5.30 pm nesvita,
6.30 pm nasi n ayam goreng kunyit 4-5 suap
9.00 pm anlene

skipping 600 x
jumping jack 200 x
wall push-up 50 x
lunges 60 x
sit up 50 x
bridge 5 x 8 reps

calorie tak kira lagi.....mmm nanti kita update semula

Friday, February 20, 2009

Menu & Workout 20/2/2009

ingat hari ni nak buat zig zag dah...nak ambik 1800 kcal today...tak dpt gamaknya...dah tengahri baru start..patut dari pagi kan.....tak pe lah...lebih dari 1400 kcal jugak...

pre-breakfast 6.45 am
anlene 110 kcal

tuna sandwich 220-240 kcal
honeydew 1 potong 20 - 30 kcal
air masak

betik 1 potong 45 kcal
air masak

mihun sup 380 kcal
honeydew 1 potong 20-30 kcal
air masak

jacob low salt hi-fiber 1 pack 116 kcal

2 keping roti putih 147 kcal
1 keping breakthru 54.5
1 keping cheese 63 kcal
timun 4 keping 10-20 kcal
nesvita 119 kcal

anlene 110 kcal


Workout hari ni 55 minit
skipping 500 x
jumping jack 200 x
wall push-up 50 x
lunges 60 x
sit up 70 x
bridge 5 x 8 reps

Zig zag diet???? Your daily calories

Kenapa citer pasal calorie lagi ye...yes sbb berat tak turun pada satu tahap dok kat situ...iaitu weight loss ini kena pada aku skrg....jom kita buat zig zag diet ok.

The Weight Loss Plateau

Over time our bodies adapt to the lowered calorie level. Our body becomes more efficient at using energy (lowered metabolism), and therefore burns less fat.
This is why most of us reach a weight loss plateau. At this point, the only option is to boost metabolism; increased cardio, weight training, 'cheat' meals (i.e. ocassional high-calorie meals), cycling (or zig-zagging) calories, and even manipulating macro-nutrient ratios can all help to do this (don't forget adequate sleep and hydration). You often find that the nearer you get to your goal weight (or body fat percentage) - the harder things get!
Continually dropping calories only serves to lower metabolism even further - the moment you return to 'normal' eating - the weight comes back on

so hari yg byk kcal tu leh la makan lebih....kita start terus hari ni ye..... best!!!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

today 19/2/2009

anlene 110 kcal

tuna sandwich +-220-240 kcal
air masak 500ml

IKO 107 kcal
air mineral 500 ml

nasi 5 tablespoon +- 83.25 kcal
kerabu 2 senduk 80 kcal
ikan kembung bakar +- 192 kcal
air mineral 500 ml

4.45 pm jacobs low salt hi-fiber 3 keping 116 kalori
air masak
6.10 twiggies coklat half +-75 kcal

roti putih 2 keping 156 kcal (roti breakthru/wholemeal dah habis rupanya)
telor goreng 1 biji with non stick pan 100
timun 4 hiris 5-10 kcal
anlene 110

TOTAL +-1252 kcal

Workout hari ini(1jam)
500 x skipping
150 jumping jack
60 lunges
50 wall push-up
5x8 reps bridge
20 frog squat

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

All time favourite menu

Cheese sandwich
2 keping roti breakthru
cheese 1 keping
4 keping timun
4 keping tomato

menu 17/2/2009

anlene 110 kcal

mihun goreng half 150 kcal
milo O 129 kcal

IKO 107 kcal

nasi half 83.25
ikan bakar lagi 192 kcal
kerabu 2 senduk 80 kcal

mangga half 52

3 keping breakthru 163 kcal
cheese 1 keping 63 kcal
salad 1 keping 5-10 kcal
anlene 110 kcal

TOTAL SEMUA +- 1244.25

workout 40 minit je,
20 minit cardio, 20 minit crunch
keje rumah

Saturday, February 14, 2009


menu untuk semalam
IKO 2 keping 110 kcal

wholemeal high 5 157 kcal
milo O 129 kcal

betik kcal

nasi half 83.25 kcal
ikan bakar 192 kcal ( ikan tenggiri, tp makan ikan kembung agak2 je ye)
kerabu daun selom 1 senduk 30-40 kcal (agak2 jugak)

wholemeal high 5 1 keping 78.5 kcal

2 keping wholemeal high 5 157 kcal
1 keping cheese 62 kcal
tomato, timun, lettuce 20 kcal (agak2)
anlene 110 kcal
TOTAL + -1193.75 kcal

workout...masih cuti cuma buat lunges, bridge n push up skit....